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Meditation on the arising of desire, Dhamma talk Part 4 on Satipaṭṭhāna: Principles (dhammā)
2022-10-14 Meditation on the arising of desire, Dhamma talk Part 4 on Satipaṭṭhāna: Principles (dhammā) 1:27:36
Bhante Sujato
Meditation on the arising of desire, the drivers of thought rather than getting caught in thought. Dhamma talk Part 4 on Satipaṭṭhāna: Principles (dhammā). The 5 hindrances and 7 awakening factors common to all versions of Satipaṭṭhāna. The novelty of this section builds on the previous sections and introduces causality; where the arising of things like desire come from, as well as how they come to end, and how they don't arise again using both observation and inference. Dhamma as natural principles that describe how the world works.
Lokanta Vihara

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