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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

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Dharma Talks given at Lokanta Vihara
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2022-12-16 Acting for justice and the bhikkhunī ordinations of 2009 1:33:40
Bhante Sujato
Guided meditation on muditā. Dhamma talk on how to act for justice, with reference to senior male monastics' roles in bhikkhunī ordinations of 2009.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-12-09 Papañca (proliferation) 1:33:09
Bhante Sujato
Guided meditation of awareness of the messy mind, being aware of consciousness brings fearlessness. Dhamma talk on papañca with reference to The Honey Cake sutta MN18 and Concept and Reality by Ven. Ñāṇananda's analysis of MN18 16.1. How venerable Kaccāna presents a sequence where the self slowly emerges, creating the person who then is beset by papañca; nouns turn to verbs.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-12-02 Even though I am afflicted in body, my mind will be unafflicted: SN22.1 1:22:15
Bhante Sujato
Guided meditation on sīlanussati. Dhamma Talk: SN22.1 Nakula's Father. Discussion of Sāriputta's analysis of what is meant by the Buddha's statement on coping with old age: “Even though I am afflicted in body, my mind will be unafflicted.”
Lokanta Vihara

2022-11-25 The ghost is not in the machine 1:29:57
Bhante Sujato
Guided mettā meditation. Dhamma Talk: The ghost is not in the machine. The question of robots and the soul. The Buddha's views on the soul versus others at the time e.g. Brahmanism's atta and Jainism's jiva. Understanding things through relations and processes rather than substances or a soul. Self-awareness and purpose in robots, AI.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-11-18 Meditation on thoughts stopping, Dhamma talk on Right Speech 1:35:19
Bhante Sujato
Guided breath meditation on the ease of thoughts stopping. Dhamma talk on Right Speech in the context of Twitter collapsing, the rise and fall of authoritarians and fraudsters, current large positive changes taking place. How might we use social media with Right Speech.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-11-11 Meditation, Dhamma talk on Muditā 1:17:21
Bhante Sujato
Meditation: Meditation on thoughts and desire. Dhamma talk on Muditā.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-11-04 Mettā meditation, Dhamma talk on Parāyanavagga and Future Perils 1:22:06
Bhante Sujato
Meditation: Mettā meditation. Dhamma talk on The Way to the Beyond/Far Shore (Parāyanavagga) and Future Perils (AN77-79).
Lokanta Vihara
Attached Files:
  • The Way to the Beyond/Far Shore (Parāyanavagga) by (Link)
  • Future Perils (AN77-79) by (Link)

2022-10-28 Mettā meditation, Dhamma talk on community 1:26:31
Bhante Sujato
Meditation: Bhante Sujato's patented hayfever cure. Dhamma talk on community. The story of Upagupta binding Mara and the beginning of Buddharupas.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-10-21 Guided mettā meditation, Dhamma talk on dependent origination 1:21:42
Bhante Sujato
Guided mettā meditation to develop positive emotions, directed towards self and all beings. Dhamma talk on dependent origination in simple terms. Dependent origination answers the question: How does rebirth happen without a soul? We are neither completely fixed or completely fluid in how we are - we are conditioned; a continuity that connects past, present, and future. The Buddha’s great insight was that everything is conditioned. Daily life, high states of meditation, rebirth, and all kinds of experiences all follow the same processes. Ignorance and craving are the drivers of these processes.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-10-14 Meditation on the arising of desire, Dhamma talk Part 4 on Satipaṭṭhāna: Principles (dhammā) 1:27:36
Bhante Sujato
Meditation on the arising of desire, the drivers of thought rather than getting caught in thought. Dhamma talk Part 4 on Satipaṭṭhāna: Principles (dhammā). The 5 hindrances and 7 awakening factors common to all versions of Satipaṭṭhāna. The novelty of this section builds on the previous sections and introduces causality; where the arising of things like desire come from, as well as how they come to end, and how they don't arise again using both observation and inference. Dhamma as natural principles that describe how the world works.
Lokanta Vihara

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