The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Lokanta Vihara
2021-11-26 Breath meditation, Dhamma talk on letting go and finding peace 1:22:30
Bhante Sujato
Breath meditation led by Bhante Sujato. Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on letting go and finding peace: identify wants, understand suffering, take small and doable steps, experience your progress, gain wisdom.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-11-19 Joyful meditation on spiritual friendship, Dhamma talk 69:13
Bhante Sujato
Joyful meditation on spiritual friendship guided by Bhante Akāliko (during which internet connection was temporarily lost). Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato: how to kiss "Saṃsāra" goodbye?
Lokanta Vihara

2021-11-12 Guided meditation, Dhamma talk on desire and contentment 1:25:38
Bhante Sujato
Meditation guided by Bhante Sujato. Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on desire and contentment, the four Noble Truths, and how meditation can lead to deeper contentment.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-11-05 Guided meditation on letting go, Dhamma talk about sisters 1:40:44
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
Meditation on letting go guided by Bhante Akāliko. Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato about sisters: Mahāpajāpati and Māyā – the Buddha's mother and aunt/stepmother. Bhaddā as the first nun.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-10-29 Mettā meditation, Dhamma talk on creativity versus papañca, Q&A. 1:23:07
Bhante Sujato
Mettā meditation led by Bhante Sujato. The difference between therapy and the spiritual path. Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on creativity versus papañca. Question on the experience of movement and stillness in meditation.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-10-22 Meditation on impermanence 1:37:15
Bhante Sujato
Meditation on impermanence led by Bhante Sujato.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-10-15 Breath meditation, Q&A 1:29:40
Bhante Sujato
Breath meditation led by Bhante Sujato: developing qualities of softness, gentleness. Q+A: how to stay focused. About sadness. Talking about deep experiences. Nibbānadhātu. History of decline of Buddhism in India. Love and impermanence. Upanishads and suttas. Deductive and inductive logic.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-10-08 Meditation on generosity, Dhamma talk on translation of the Sutta Nipata 1:27:55
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
Meditation on generosity, guided by Bhante Akāliko. Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on his translation of the Sutta Nipata. Story of Bāvari from the Pārāyanavagga (Snp 5): The Way to the Beyond.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-10-01 Metta Meditation 21:21
Bhante Sujato
Lokanta Vihara

2021-10-01 Attadaṇḍa Sutta 54:53
Bhante Sujato
Dhamma Talk on the Attadaṇḍa Sutta Snp4.15
Lokanta Vihara

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